Compile this file to create the "pickled functor" file Plan.ozf.
In the driver code, create a new planner class with:
MyPlanner = {New Plan.planner Fluents Actions}
Call member functions like this:
{MyPlanner exploreActions(Situation)}
functor import FD FS Search Explorer Inspector Space % Ozcar % System % Inspector % Browser export Planner define % This function returns a deep copy of its input. The input can be % any type data. Undetermined variables are copied as new cells. If % an undetermined variable is a finite domain variable, then the % copy will be constrained to the current domain of the input % variable. % % This is needed because we sometimes want undetermined variables % from the top-level space to participate in constraints in a % subordinate computation space, but in general doing so would cause % the subordinate computation space to be unstable. So we use this % procedure to copy the top-level variable. % TODO: Figure out a way to avoid the need for this function. It's % incomplete, and it may in fact be impossible to write it to so % that it works correctly in the most general cases, esp. in the % presence of custom propagators. % proc {CopyDomains In ?Out} if { In} then Out :: {FD.reflect.dom In} elseif { In} then raise unimpl(debug:"Don't know how to copy FS domains yet.") end elseif {Not {IsDet In}} then Out = _ % Fresh variable elseif { In} then Out = { In fun {$ F} {CopyDomains F} end} else Out = In end end % This is basically an "assert-like" function. If the predicate function % P applied to value V is false, we raise an exception. proc {Require P V} if {Not {P V}} then raise reqFail("Requirement {"#P#" "#V#"} failed.") end end end % This function checks that D is a valid representation of a finite % integer domain. The definition of the form of D is taken directly % from the Mozart System Modules reference manual. % % We use this to verify some of the definition data for fluents. fun {IsFDSpec D} fun {IsSimpleSpec D} fun {IsRangeDesc D} fun {IsFDInt N} {IsDet N} andthen {IsInt N} andthen N >= FD.inf andthen N =< FD.sup end in {IsDet D} andthen case D of Min#Max then {IsFDInt Min} andthen {IsFDInt Max} [] N then {IsFDInt N} else false end end in {IsDet D} andthen case D of nil then true [] S|Dr then {IsRangeDesc S} andthen {IsSimpleSpec Dr} [] S then {IsRangeDesc S} else false end end in {IsDet D} andthen case D of compl(S) then {IsSimpleSpec S} [] S then {IsSimpleSpec S} else false end end % This function returns a function which, when applied to a procedure % argument, returns true if the procedure has arity N. (I.e. takes N % arguments. We use this in conjunction with Require to verify data % definitions for the planner. fun {IsProcArity N} fun {$ P} {IsDet P} andthen {IsProcedure P} andthen {ProcedureArity P} == N end end % FluentDefParsers take a fluent definition in the form of a record % and returns a properly-formed fluent definition. The input fluent % definition may omit certain fields, which will be filled in with % defaults. Calculating the defaults up front allows the planner to % work with predictably-formed fluent records, which simplifies % the planner code. % % We also validate the input fluent definition. Any errors cause an % exception to be raised. The thrown value is a record with label % badFluentDef. proc {MkFluent Def ?F} % FluentDefParsers is a record of procedures used to generate the % corresponding features of a fluent record from the fluent % definition. FluentDefParsers = fdp(name: fun {$ Def} {Require IsAtom} end desc: proc {$ Def ?V} V={CondSelect Def desc {AtomToString}} {Require IsString V} end init: fun {$ Def} Temp={CondSelect Def init FD.inf#FD.sup} in if {IsFDSpec Temp} then fun {$} { Temp} end else {Require {IsProcArity 1} Temp} Temp end end infer: proc {$ Def ?V} % If infer is not defined, default to "true" Infer={CondSelect Def infer true} in {Require IsDet Infer} if {IsProcedure Infer} andthen {ProcedureArity Infer} == 2 then V=Infer else {Require IsBool Infer} if Infer then % If infer is true, provide a function which copies % the value from the previous situation. V=fun {$ SPrev} {Value.'.' SPrev} end else % Otherwise, provide a do-nothing funtion. V=proc {$ _ _} skip end end end {Require {IsProcArity 2} V} end) in % Supply defaults and possible calculated values. % Everything except the name can be defaulted. try F = {MakeRecord fluent [name desc init infer]} {Record.forAllInd F fun {$ L } {FluentDefParsers.L Def} end} catch reqFailed(Msg) then raise badFluentDef(def:Def debug:{VirtualString.toString Msg}) end [] E then raise badFluentDef(def:Def debug:E) end end end % This procedure is similar to MkFluent, but for action records. proc {MkAction Def ?A} % ActionDefParsers is a record of procedures used to generate the % corresponding features of a fluent record from the fluent % definition. ActionDefParsers = adp(name: fun {$ Def} {Require IsAtom} end desc: proc {$ Def ?V} V={CondSelect Def desc {AtomToString}} {Require IsString V} end pre: proc {$ Def ?V} V={CondSelect Def pre fun {$ _} true end} {Require {IsProcArity 2} V} end effect: fun {$ Def} {Require {IsProcArity 2} Def.effect} Def.effect end effector: fun {$ Def} {Require {IsProcArity 2} Def.effect} Def.effect end inputs: proc {$ Def ?V} V={CondSelect Def inputs fun {$ _} var() end} {Require {IsProcArity 2} V} end ) in try A = {MakeRecord action [name desc pre effect effector inputs]} {Record.forAllInd A fun {$ L } {ActionDefParsers.L Def} end} catch reqFailed(Msg) then raise badFluentDef(def:Def debug:{VirtualString.toString Msg}) end [] E then raise badFluentDef(def:Def debug:E) end end end % This procedure makes a fresh situation record from a previous situation % and a list of well-formed fluent records. proc {MkSitRec SitPrev Fluents ?Sit} Sit = {MakeRecord situation prev|{Map Fluents fun {$ fluent(name:N ...)} N end}} Sit.prev = SitPrev {ForAll Fluents proc {$ fluent(name:N init:Init ...)} Sit.N = {Init} end} end % Given lists of well-formed fluent and action records, and a % situation record, this function returns a procedure that can % be used to search for "decision records" that reflect an % action choice, action input parameter choices, and an expected % consequent situation. The function computes and returns the decision % record as its sole argument, thus it conforms to the expectations % of the Mozart's constraint-solving system for a solver script. fun {MkActionChooser Fluents Actions Sit} % This is the procedure that we return. It will have access to the % fluents, actions, situation that were passed into % MkActionChooser. You can think of this as being similar to % instantiating a template in C++, except that it happens at % run-time, and we return the resulting procedure as a first-class % value. proc {$ R} % This procedure helps us track our progress for debugging % purposes. proc {NoteProgress Str} Temp in if {IsVirtualString Str} then Temp = {VirtualString.toString Str} else Temp = Str end {Assign R.phase {StringToAtom Temp}} end % Here we take a list of fluents, and apply their inference rule % speculatively to the current situation. This is "speculative" % because if a rule conflicts with what we already know about a % fluent, then we simply ignore that rule. This can happen, for % instance, if we are trying to infer the state of a fluent in a % hypothetical situation after we've applied an action that % affected the fluent. The inference rules are simply intended % to reflect what we think will happen to a fluent in the % absence of any active influences. proc {InferFluents Sit Fs} % Infer current fluents from prev, speculatively. case Fs of nil then skip [] F|Fr then {NoteProgress "Inferring fluent "} % Try to apply each of the inference axioms in a temporary % child space. If the space fails, just ignore it. Otherwise % merge the results into this space. local S= { proc {$ _} {Value.'.' Sit} = {F.infer Sit.prev} end} in case {Space.askVerbose S} of failed then skip [] succeeded(...) then _={Space.merge S} [] suspended(...) then _={Space.merge S} else raise error( debug: {VirtualString.toAtom "Fluent inference proc for "" caused bad space state."}) end end end {InferFluents Sit Fr} end end % This is an index into the action list. Here we define its % domain to span from one to the length of the action list. At % some point in the algorithm below, we distribute the solution % search on the range of this variable. AIndex = { 1#{Length Actions}} in % Build a new root record. Initially, the consequent situation % is just a default situation, with no further information known % about it. The "phase" field is used to track progress, it can % be seen conveniently in the Inspector when working with the Explorer. R = decision( phase: {NewCell "Starting"} situation: {CopyDomains Sit} consequent: _ action: _ inputs: _) R.consequent = {MkSitRec R.situation Fluents} % Try to apply our inference rules to fill in more information about % the current situation of the world. This is how we guess at what % we don't know. Overly ambitious attempts to guess at fluent states % could rule out actions that would actually be OK, but leaving % fluents too undetermined could cause us to investigate or even choose % actions that have a low chance of actually succeeding. {NoteProgress "Inferring fluents."} {InferFluents R.situation Fluents} % Now choose an action. We simply distribute on the possible values % for AIndex. {NoteProgress "Distributing on action index."} {FD.distribute naive [AIndex]} R.action={Nth Actions AIndex} % Now that we've selected an action, assert that it's precondition % axiom is true (1). If not, then this thread (and its computation % space) will fail. {R.action.pre R.situation} =: 1 {NoteProgress "Action precondition passed."} % Now get the inputs for this action. Some of these may simply % be fluents, some may be entirely new values that are for all % intents and purposes fluents, but are only created when we're % considering the associated action. (This keeps the number of % fluents in the model down to a bearable number, hopefully.) % The "inputs" procedure of the action is responsible for % creating a record containing all of the inputs, so it has wide % latitude in deciding how to choose and constrain them. All % inputs must be finite-domain variables. R.inputs = {R.action.inputs R.situation} {NoteProgress "Action inputs defined."} % Now we distribute on the inputs. Execution after the distribution % proceeds in alternate computation spaces with distinct combinations % of input values. Depending on constraints set up by the action % record's input procedure, some combinations may be illegal and will % cause failure of those spaces. We then actually apply the action's % effect axiom to the hypothetical situation and the current combination % of inputs to compute the resulting hypothetical situation. {NoteProgress "Distributing on action inputs."} {FD.distribute naive R.inputs} {R.action.effect R.consequent R.inputs} {NoteProgress "Applied action effect axiom."} end end % The Planner class is a convenient encapsulation of all the dirty % details in this module. On creation of a Planner object, you must % supply a list of fluent and action definitions, which will be % validated. Then you can use the planner to investigate plans % for various situations. % % TODO: Provide better debugging support by integrating better with % the Explorer. Provide for a user-supplied solution evaluation % procedure to direct branch-and-bound search strategies. class Planner feat fluents actions meth init(F A) self.fluents = {Map F MkFluent} self.actions = {Map A MkAction} end meth mkSitRec(SitPrev ?Sit) Sit = {MkSitRec SitPrev self.fluents} end meth chooseAction(Sit ?D) [D] = { {MkActionChooser self.fluents self.actions Sit}} end meth exploreActions(Sit) {Inspector.configure widgetTreeFont font(family: courier size: 10 weight: normal)} {Inspector.configure widgetTreeDisplayMode false} {Explorer.object script({MkActionChooser self.fluents self.actions Sit})} end end end