CVS is now up and running.
Use the following to connect:
At present there is one module (sort of like a root project in vss?) called sdx.
DWM As I understand it, modules are optional and are merely aliases for groups of files. But it looks like SmartCVS relies on them very heavily. I'm trying to check out just a portion of the Boost tree (uBLAS), and can't figure out how to do it through SmartCVS 'cos there are no (relevant) modules defined in Boost's repository.
I'm using smartcvs - available from - a java based CVS client. If you choose to use that client then to get up and running after installing the client follow these simple steps:
- Project -> Repository Manager -> Add...
- Select "Compound parameter" radio button and paste in the above connection parameter.
- Click OK from the creation screen and then select the repository definition just created and then click
- Project -> New/Checkout ...
- Walk through the wizard as follows:
- Repository: choose the repository def just created
- Modules: enter "sdx"
- choose a local directory (a directory sdx will be created in the chosen location)
- Checkout Options: leave as is
- Conformation: click finish
To Do
- Investigate other gui based cvs clients - smartcvs is OK but the free version isn't terribly full featured (no surprise seeing as they offer a "pay for it" version)
Suggestions greatly received
The following was snarfed from DevWiki at work: /CVSInfo