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It's great to have a real wiki ;-)
You can read my really long and pointless /Bio if you like
Wish list
I'd like to be involved in everything all the time. Unfortunately I'm probably not going to be able to commit as much time or effort to this as some others. Therefore here's a list of some of the things I'd like to do:
- I'm more interested in game play than game engine work - although I am interested in the development of engines for high level game play aspects. This would includes things like:
- an AI engine
- a goals/scenario scripting engine
- an economic model (I didn't want to use the word engine again!)
- I'd like to develop a scripted AI engine (oops I said the engine word) - something that will let us easily control the intellegent actors in our world (note that actors aren't just full blown NPCs - a missile is an actor too)
- I'm a lazy s.o.b. and I find that I quite like futzing with other people's code (just ask Frank Swierz) - so I'd like to use the [Elite C Source] as a test bed (and besides, I'm one of those sad gits that thinks Elite is the granddaddy of all 3D space games and I think it'd be cool to play with it)
To do list
- Read up on in-game scripting (focus on LUA (or some other available, embeddable scripting language) v. rolling our very own scripting language)
- Read up on AI engines
- Read up on AI algorithms in general
- Things to do with the Elite source:
- Make the game play itself (both for fun and also for playing around with the idea of a proxy to create persistent players)
- Change the economic model
- Add scripting support - develop new scenarios and new computer foes
- Add multi user via a client server model (I just think it would be cool, that's all)
autoElite is my frankenstien creation that I allude to above. Please feel free to comment, encourage or discourage as you see fit...
DWM 'Twould seem that Messr. Harding has been holding back some interesting [particulars] of his life's history. :-)