
A place to record brief notes on the history of our project.

2/19/2002 Archived news items:

July 27, 2001

We have moved from to our own hosted web site. See Swiki Migration for details. Aside from giving us a more reliable forum, this also represents the first commitment of money to the project.

July 17, 2001

On Tuesday, towards the end of the work day at Creative Solutions, Frank Swierz and Dan Muller were having a hallway chat. Frank brought up that old saw about creating our own online game, for fun, and maybe for fame or profit. So Dan created this wiki (originally on that same evening to provide a venue for further discussion.

Jim, Frank, Dan, and John, in that approximate order of fervor, had all participated in NetDevil's beta test of JumpGate, which formally ended on July 16. There were lots of things to like about it, but we all saw certain shortcomings that led to frequent discussions that started with variations of "if I wrote a game like this...". So, what the heck, why not at least toy with the idea of rolling our own?