Sdx Primero Intento

Ok, just to let you guys know what I'm up to. I'm taking a small, DirectX based, demo 3D shooter game (it's very basic, only a few thousand lines of code) and trying to turn it into a 6 degrees of freedom space shooter. The main purpose will be to work out the physical simulator interface, and see what it's like to fly a ship. Plus, when I've got this going we can start working on graphics and sound. Although, I imagine the look and feel of the game (especially the artwork) will be influenced by the back story -- Dave, do you have that copy of MilkShape 3D fired up? Btw, Are we talking about a game where the ship pilots are carbon based life forms? Can we go as far as saying they are bipedal? Are there even pilots? Ugh, forget I asked, I'm just getting mired down in the muck again. I'll post here when I have something for you guys to download.