The universal symbol of commitment:
UU ----
(That's someone's derriere on a line.)
To publicly put your own butt on the line, record tasks you've taken on here. Include a by-when date to make it real. Delete them when done.
- Frank Swierz : Working on Sdx Primero Intento
- Frank Swierz : by 10/1/2002, Reading a new book (Beginning Direct3D Game Programming, by Wolfgang F. Engel)
- Dave Hettmer: Design a logo to use on the wiki and, possibly, the web site home page.
- Dan Muller : By 10/15/2002, sort out main development tool options and settle on one. I have a copy of Comeau C++ on order and plan to try this out with VC6 as a backend.
Tasks done
- Istvan: by 3/10/2002, research the process of establishing a small business in the State of Michigan - 3/6/2002 DONE: see Formal Types
- Istvan: by or before 6/30/02, find again and pursue link to major NASA solar system object database, investigate format, portability, and rights-to-use issues. - 7/24/02 DONE: forgot about this after vacation; my bad. I have access to raw data files with orbital elements from Minor Planet Center, Harvard. All we need do is cite the data source someplace. Many MB of raw orbital data, which I'll store on Zip disk for now.
- DWM: Summarize major concepts from Funge's book on AI for games. Took this as far as I plan to for now. See John David Funge, Cognitive Modelling with Mathematical Logic. May revisit this when I continue programming that stuff. (I ran into some road blocks in my understanding of Oz.)
- Frank_Swierz: by 4/15/2002, finish the book that I'm using to teach myself DirectX programming (Multiplayer Game Programming, by Todd Barron). Along the way, I learned a bit about game design, and communicating via TCP/IP (created a simple chat program). Plus I learned a little bit about 3D Graphics and programming using DirectX (which was the goal in the first place).
- JDH: 9/12/02 Source Control up and running - see jdh-sdx/cvs