- /Development
- /Development Libraries
- /Programming Techniques
- /Lisp
- /Game Design
- /Major Game Development Web Sites
- /Graphics Programming
- /Physics
- /Artificial Intelligence
- /Competitors
Modeling Tools
Tools for modeling, rendering, animations, etc.
- [A regularly maintained list of free/inexpensive] tools for game development.
- [Blender] Open source! Seems to be designed mainly to generate data for OpenGL, but can also be used with Direct3D, possibly via third-party converters.
- 3DS Max by AutoDesk
- Maya (Bought by AutoDesk.)
- GMax (Bought by AutoDesk and discontinued as a product -- but can still be [downloaded].)
DJH This shows how confused I am: I thought GMax was Max's answer to Maya PLE: a neutered version of the main product that saved data in a special format that was virtually unusuable. PLE could export to UT2K2 and, if memory serves, was abandoned after version 6.0.
Anyone else get the impression that AutoDesk has a lot of extra cash on hand for buying up competitors?
- A [series of feature articles] on MMOG networking technology and cyberspace by Crosbie Fitch at [Gamasutra]. Slog through the over-enthusiastic and speculative early parts to get to some of the more detailed and thought-provoking portions.
- [Read this article] by the developers of X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter! There is some excellent info in here on the problems of running a game over the Internet.
Game Scripting
- [Game Scripting in Python]
- [Lua], an embeddable scripting language. This looks very interesting. The language looks amazingly simple but expressive, and the implementation is carefully designed for easy embedding and extending. Be sure to take a look at the [list of projects that use it], you'll see some well-known games in there. It also looks like a lot of work has been going on since it first came to our attention. It's acquired interesting new features, its own domain name now, and ... wait for it ... a [lua-users wiki]!!
Small Business Resources
- [SBAM-EDC] Small Business Association of Michigan Entrepreneurial Development Center
- [BCS] Bureau of Commercial Services, Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services, Corporation Division
- [Spaceflight Now] Online spaceflight news.
- [UseYourHead] Another product by [Cybernet]!? Use your Webcam to recognized head gestures! LOL!
- [CyberSpace Engineers]
- [Space art] that influenced a generation, by Chesley Bonestell.
- Here's a rather eye-opening article on [security and cheats in on-line games]. fascinating stuff! JH
- [Alien Adoption Agency] Well, this looks just plain wierd. Or silly. Not sure which.
- [Bell's Theorem]: What exactly did Einstein mean by "spooky action at a distance"?
- [Article on planning.] Exactly the kind of advice you'd expect for any software project.
- [MojoWorld] Building infinite resolution landscapes. Makes you want to fly around planetary surfaces for the sheer visual fun of it.
- [A Q&A session] with Donald Knuth, one of the best-known contributors to the field of computer science.
- [Black Hole and related Physics] Istvan 4/18/02 - The physics team may be well beyond this, but I was browsing randomly (which I rarely do) and bumped into this interesting article, which includes some C source code for physics modelling. I should reinstall my compiler on my newish system and fiddle so as to learn something.
- [Cheaters take profits out of online gaming] Current (7 June 02) ZDNet surface-level article on the effect of cheating on the economics of online games.
- [PERMANENT] Istvan Idealistic site on near-term space-based projects. The asteroid mining section at very least provides some interesting background material. I'm confident other sections will also hold useful tidbits.
- [Technomagi's] [collection of links]. A page very much like this page, from a couple of guys doing something very similar to us.